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Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Snakes

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Snakes

Children’s Book About Snakes: A Kids Picture Book About Snakes With Photos and Fun Facts

There are around 2,900 species of snake sharing the planet with us. For those of you that are afraid or dislike snakes, that’s probably about 2,900 too many. But if it’s any consolation to you, only about 375 of these species are venomous. The trouble with snakes, aside from their slithery bodies and forked tongues, are they can be anywhere. Snakes can live on the ground, in the trees and even in water.

A snake is not slimey (even though it appears to be) but it does have scales. The scaly skin on its belly helps the snake grasp the ground (or tree) and propels it forward. As they grow they will shed their old skin. This is something like us taking off a sock, the snake crawls out of the old one and in doing so turns it inside out. Sometimes you will find the discarded skin of a snake on the ground or nearby logs.

Bonus Video – from the Book’s Supplemental Pages:

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Bats

Children’s Book About Bats: A Kids Picture Book About Bats With Photos and Fun Facts

You may hate when they fly around your head on a dark gloomy night, but bats are truly a marvel of nature. Check this out. Bats aren’t really blind, but they do use echolocation to make their way to the top of your head. They send out a beep and when it hits something it bounces back to them. This gives the bat an idea of how close they are to an object. The bat is also the only mammal that is capable of flight. Its wings are actually a rubbery webbing that is attached from a long claw on the tip, back to underneath its shoulders.

There are around 1,240 species of bats that range in size from that of a large bumblebee to a small cat. The Bumblebee bat is found in limestone caves along the rivers of Thailand and Burma. Unfortunately, these little guys are endangered due to the loss of their habitat. On the other wing, the Flying Fox bat can have a wingspan of around four feet (1.5 meters). This bat has a cute fox-like face and is found in the southeast Asia regions.

Although we may view bats as gross and disgusting, they actually due a lot for our ecosystem. Around seventy percent of all bat species eat insects. […]



Children’s Book About Swimming: A Kids Picture Book About Swimming With Photos and Fun Facts

You may love it or hate it, or even be somewhere in between, but swimming is here to stay. We do it on vacations, for recreation and even in competition. It’s a great way to have fun and is also great exercise for your entire body.

The definition of swimming is the self-propulsion of a person (or animal) through water or a liquid. Seems simple enough, yet swimming can be one of the most frightening phobias to overcome – after all, nobody has ever drowned from walking on the dry ground. But scientifically it has been discovered that only weeks after birth a human can hold their breath underwater and possess basic swimming skills. I wish someone would have told me that sooner, as I never did master the technique of swimming beyond the doggy paddle.

In some countries of the world, swimming is mandatory to teach (and learn) in schools. Strangely enough, we use swimming to lose weight, but the more body fat you possess the more buoyant your body will be in the water. However, whether fat or thin, swimming is an excellent form of therapy for people with serious muscle, ligament and joint […]

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: France

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: France

Children’s Book About France: A Kids Picture Book About France With Photos and Fun Facts

France is a must-see for many vacationers. It is filled with culture, history, landmarks, fine food and wine and stunning countrysides. In fact, for more than two decades, France has held its number one position as the most popular place to visit. And people know it. France receives more than 82 million tourists from all over the world each year. Let’s take a look at just some of what France has to offer you for your next vacation.

The sprawling city of Lyon is a great cultural hub of France. It is located in east-central France and is the capital of the Rhone department in the Rhone-Alpes region. It has a long history and is the third largest city in all of France. Visit the historical architecture, take in the fine dining, night clubs, shopping and more. In fact, if you enjoy exploring you will love this set-up. The Croix-Rousse features hundreds of hidden passageways called, traboules. Who knows what you will find tucked away here?

Bonus Videos – from the Book’s Supplemental […]



Children’s Book About Lizards: A Kids Picture Book About Lizards with Photos and Fun Facts

Out of all the reptiles on the planet, lizards have got to be some of the coolest. There are around 9,766 species of the lizard and these reptiles are found in most areas of the world. They have been garden-helpers, keeping the insect population under control, as well as delighting children and adults as an exotic (yet manageable) pet. Let’s take a trip down lizard-lane to learn more about these fascinating reptiles.

Like other reptiles, the lizard is cold-blooded and therefore needs an external heat source to keep it warm. If you visit some of the tropical regions of the world, you can see various lizards warming themselves on the sidewalks or along the walls of buildings.

One of the interesting things about certain lizards are their eyes. Take the Chameleon for example, the eyes on this lizard are cone-shaped and stick up out of the body. These can move independently of each other and provides this reptile with 360 degree vision. This comes in handy when trying to avoid predators or when hunting for food. Other lizards have transparent eyelids. This sneaky technique allows the reptile to see even when its eyes are closed – […]

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