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Author Abigail Tyler lives in Southeast Oklahoma. She writes Children’s Non- Fiction Kindle books for Amazon. She also has a few unpublished items in the works.

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Abigail believes that along with weaving a story into a written work comes a responsibility. She feels authors should express themselves. That is what being an artist and author is all about. But with that, she keeps in mind that words are sharper than any two-edged sword. She chooses not to write stories that generate hate, or foster desperation or pain for her readers. She believes there is already enough pain and desperation in the world. Abigail thrives to write stories filled with hope, triumph and adventure. That is not to say her character’s lives are a walk through the park. You can, however, expect a happy ending in her fiction works.
Abigail hopes all of you eternal optimist, hopeless romantics, and lovers of adventure, from whom all good things are born, will pick up a copy of one of her books and enjoy the ride through the story she creates.
Abigail is married with two wonderful children and besides doing freelance writing, helps with the publishing activities at church and school.

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