Children’s Book About Chickens: A Kids Picture Book About Chickens with Photos and Fun Facts

Guess what? Chicken Butt!
Now that I have your attention, let’s talk chicken. How much do we really know about the chicken? You may be thinking…”I know I like it fried or barbecued.” That’s not quite what I had in mind. Did you know the mother chicken turns her eggs 50 times a day so the yolk doesn’t stick to the shell? Let’s take a journey into the world of chickens to see what other fascinating facts we can learn about this bird.
There is more than 150 varieties of the chicken (no not on the menu) and are found all over the world. They are the most common bird on the planet today as their numbers exceed 24 billion – that makes more of them than us!
The first domesticated chicken was not used for food purposes but rather for the harsh and cruel “sport” of cockfighting. This dates back to India where two male birds were forced into a small ring to fight one another. These were usually to the death or until one was so bleeding and blundered it was taken out of the ring. This type of activity was first done in Asia, Africa, and Europe; however, it still goes on today; illegal as it may be.
In the wild, chickens have to scratch at the soil to find food (a habit you can still see them do in the farmyard). Here they find seeds and insects to dine on. Chickens have also been known to go after larger animals, such as lizards and small mice.
Unlike some birds, the male and female are easily recognized. The rooster has a large red comb on top of his head, long flowing tail feathers and brightly colored plumage. He also has pointed feathers under his neck and along his back. The feathers of the chicken are also known to fall out when they become stressed.
The chicken can live a long life (if not eaten first) of up to 7 years. The oldest chicken died of heart failure at the age of 16 (according to the Guinness Book). Interestingly, the chicken’s heart beats 280 to 315 beats-per-minute. The average human heart rate is around 75 beats-per-minute.
Bonus Video – from the Book’s Supplemental Pages:
All About Chickens
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