Jennifer Lokken, The Rational Redhead on Twitter, is a married stay at home mom of six kids who are all homeschooled.

Ayla is a former leftist turned conservative, stay-at-home, homeschooling mother of six children. She is passionate about European culture and history, and strives to be a traditional lady. She earned a Bachelor’s degree in German with a minor in Anthropology.

Ayla and Jennifer join us to talk about traditional parenting, motherhood, and homemaking. To begin, they each offer some advice for young women interested in starting a family. Both agree that starting young is a good idea, so long as both parents have decent health insurance. This leads to a discussion on the financial side of parenting. Ayla advises against spending money on frivolities and instead investing in the family’s future. Later, we discuss a number of other topics, including homeschooling, cleaning, family health, and much more. Our show concludes with both Ayla and Jennifer reminding prospective mothers that children are a blessing, not a burden.

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