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Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Twins

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Twins

Children’s Book About Twins: A Kids Picture Book About Twins With Photos and Fun Facts

It never ceases to amaze me when I see a set of twins. They may look identical or just similar, but they are so unique that we stop to admire this small miracle.In some ways it would be great to have a twin. You always have someone to play with as a child and as you move into your teen years, you have double the wardrobe. Plus, I always thought it would be nice to have someone with my identical looks to try out a radical new hairdo on, before I took the plunge.

Most of us know twins are produced in the way eggs are developed in the womb. Fraternal twins do not always look alike because they come from two separate eggs that have been fertilized. Identical twins occur when one single egg splits in two, each producing a fetus.

If you think twins seem to be a little less rare, you are right. It is estimated that one in every 30 babies born are twins. Scientists believe the fraternal twin gene can be passed down from generation to generation. So if your mother or grandmother had twins your chances of having them will […]


Children’s Book About Titanic: A Kids Picture Book About Titanic With Photos and Fun Facts

Not only did its tale lend itself to a blockbuster movie, it is the world’s most famous ship that ever sailed. The Titanic was built back in 1909 and took around two years to finish. She was not only the largest moving man-made object at the time, this ship was also the most exquisite.

The ship was the pride and joy of American tycoon, J.P. Morgan and built by the White Star Line. It took 15,000 men and 3 million rivets to hold her all together. Plus, even in today’s standards, the Titanic was costly – 7.5 million dollars!

The Titanic measured in at epic proportions. It was 882 feet long (269 meters) and was 175 feet in height (53 meters). It was powered by steam, with burning coal at the heart of the ship. And even though she had four smokestacks, only three where ever used.

Bonus Music Video – from the Book’s Supplemental Pages:

All About Titanic

Amazon Free Book Promotion Program. As part of their Kindle Book Promotion programs Amazon allows the […]

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Camping

Children’s Book About Camping: A Kids Picture Book About Camping With Photos and Fun Facts

Antelope Canyon in Arizona is located on the Navajo reservation and is the place to camp if you are a photographer. Not only are their picturesque moments to capture, but you will want to explore the stunning caverns as well. Be sure to get your camping permits prior to your visit.

If you are looking for a camping experience outside of your typical trees and streams, then check out Banjara Camps, in Sangla India. Even though India is known for its bustling cities this campground is situated by the Tibetan border and the Himalayan Mountains. Here you are within hiking distance of remote villages, monasteries and the Bering Nag Temple.

Bonus Videos – from the Book’s Supplemental Pages:

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Camping

Amazon Free Book Promotion Program. As part of their Kindle Book Promotion programs […]


Children’s Book About Divorce: A Kids Picture Book About Divorce With Photos and Fun Facts

The divorce rate in the world is astounding. In fact, half of all marriages in the US end in divorce and the numbers in other cultures (where divorce is legal) are also on the rise. I was surprised to learn that when you are divorced once, there is a 60 percent chance your second marriage will fail and an astounding 73 percent your third marriage will end up in splits-ville.

So what is the problem? I took a close look at the people I know that are divorced. Some were married too young and simply changed in their attitudes and outlooks on life. Others, one or both of the partners were having affairs and still some found themselves in an abusive situation.

It’s never great to think about divorce before you get married, but wouldn’t that cut down on the staggering divorce statistics? Teen marriages rarely make it as they make the decision on impulse, immaturity or the fact that the girl may have gotten pregnant. However, why did the older generations manage to make it last? My grandparents were married for 64 years and grandma was barely a teen when they got hitched.

Bonus Videos – from the Book’s Supplemental Pages:

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Respect

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Respect

Children’s Book About Respect: A Kids Picture Book About Respect With Photos and Fun Facts

When did the world become so disrespectful? I remember as a child that please and thank you were not an option and we respected our parents (and anyone remotely older than ourselves). Plus, people held doors open for each other and would extend common courtesies on the fly.

However, good manners may be going the way of the VCR, but things are a lot worse than that. I recently had the misfortune of witnessing a teen boy shoving his…err…nether regions into a girl’s face as she sat on the floor of the mall entrance way.

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Respect

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Respect

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