Kids Library



Children’s Book About Vegetables: A Kids Picture Book About Vegetables With Photos and Fun Facts

How many times growing up did we hear those inevitable words…eat your vegetables? Why as kids did we push the offending cruciferous lumps around on our plates and refuse to even try them? Because they smelled funny and looked weird? To our young brains we had no idea these were some of the most important building blocks of a healthy body – though I still don’t enjoy broccoli.

There are hundreds of different vegetables, from normal to hybrid, so how can we not find something we like? Veggies come in all shapes, forms and colors and can be prepared in every way imaginable. Personally, the more butter or cheese sauce that is smothering them the better.

If you are bored with those everyday veggies, then take a look at some of the strangest vegetables that are being enjoyed even as you read this.
The Romanesco may look like a weird alien invader but it is actually a type of broccoli from Italy. It has cone-shaped florets in a brilliant green color. The taste is somewhat mild to sweet. Its closest veggie-cousin would be cauliflower.

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Paris

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Paris

Children’s Book About Paris: A Kids Picture Book About Paris With Photos and Fun Facts

If you ask any woman where she dreams of going someday, it will most likely be Paris. This city is steeped in old world history, architecture, dreams and romance. The Eiffel Tower is a wonder that stands proud and promises a spectacular vision, whether it be in the bright sunshine or the twinkling night sky.

Paris is the capital of France and also considered the “fashion capital of the world.” It is situated in Europe and the primary language is French. This city can boast its popularity since it is the most visited in the world. It spans 33.5 square miles (86.7 square kilometers) and has a population of over 2,243 million people.

Besides the Eiffel Tower, Paris is home to many museums. And we’re not just talking a few, but rather around 250 of them – way too many to visit in one day! Perhaps the most popular and definitely the most visited Parisian museum is The Louvre. This building sees around 8 million visitors each year, making it number one all over the world. But there is good reason for these numbers. This 652,300 square foot building is home to around 35,000 prehistoric to 21st century artifacts and art.

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Cars

Where would we be without our cars? We depend on them to take us to work, school and on those famous road trips. They may be rusty and falling apart or brilliant, shiny and new, but regardless of their looks we love them. I bet we can all remember our very first one. It may not have been the safest or the prettiest, but is shouted independance and we couldn’t wait to indulge in the freedom it brought us.

Cars have come a long way from the first model inventors made in the 1770’s. These vehicles were loud, smelly and most people didn’t trust them or even think it was a good idea. Coming from an era where most people had horses, the car would have been quite the change.

The first cars were powered by steam. This was done by having a fuel burning to heat water in a boiler. Once the water boiled it would make steam which expanded and pushed the pistons in the car. The pistons would then move the crankshaft which propelled the car. Even though it took 15 to 20 minutes for the car to heat up enough to make steam, these inventions were considered breakthrough technology. Even though some of these cars worked and some didn’t, inventors kept trying and by the 1890’s the steam-powered car was perfected and people began […]

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Texas

Children’s Book About Texas: A Kids Picture Book About Texas With Photos and Fun Facts

They say everything’s bigger in Texas and that includes the state itself. Texas covers 268,601 square miles of rugged land. This makes it the second largest state in the US (Alaska is number one). In fact, if Texas were a country it would fall into the 40th largest. Plus, Texas is bigger than every country in Europe and many nations – now that is big!

For a long time Texas was not known by this name. It was actually called; Coahuila y Tejas. This large portion of land was once a province of Mexico and still shares her border today.

Bonus Video – from the Book’s Supplemental Pages:

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Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Presidents

Children’s Book About Presidents: A Kids Picture Book About Presidents With Photos and Fun Facts

After the president gets elected we tend to know everything he does in the terms of policy, but what about before they became head of the state? Sure, we are made aware if they had any successful awards or accomplishments – like this eases the blow if he wasn’t your first choice?

But do really know anything truly interesting about our past presidents? Let’s take trip back in time to uncover some weird facts about the men who ran our country.

Honest Abe won the hearts and devotion of the people, but this may be because he was just an ordinary Joe. He was the only president who was a licensed bartender. Plus, he even co-owned a bar.

Bonus Videos – from the Book’s Supplemental Pages:

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Presidents

All About Presidents

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