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Children’s Book About Surgery: A Kids Picture Book About Surgery With Photos and Fun Facts

Children's Book About Surgery

This euphemism for surgery is one of many we use to lessen the fear and anxiety that usually accompanies this predicament. But we should be happy advancements have been made in this area of healthcare. Back in the Medieval times, the “cure” for diseases were a lot worse than the cause. Let’s explore some of these mind-numbing techniques that were used to cure all that ailed you.

There were no doctors back in the Middle Ages, so the job went to monks. These men were thought to have better access to medical literature, but that didn’t mean they could do the job properly. And even with all the best “how-to” books for dummies, anesthetics and penicillin had not been invented yet – imagine being awake while a monk takes out you gallbladder or attempts brain surgery – this happened all the time and most patients didn’t survive the ordeal to talk about it.

As time went on and more people were getting sick and dying from surgery, the medieval folks came up with an “anesthetic” of sorts. This concoction called, dwale, and was made from lettuce juice, castrated boar gall, briony, opium, henbane, hemlock juice and vinegar. This was mixed with wine and given to the patient to drink before they were scheduled to be butchered. The person undergoing surgery would fall into a deep sleep, but whether they ever woke […]


Children’s Book About Manners: A Kids Picture Book About Manners With Photos and Fun Facts


Depending on your age, you may remember Miss Manners. She was and still is (at 75) the manner-guru of all time. Miss Manners taught social etiquette and how to “be a lady and a gentleman” – skills that are missing in our society as a whole.

If you were raising a kid 40 years ago, having an impolite child wasn’t an option. Rude children grew up to be rude adults, so it was nipped in the bud when its naughty head even tried to peep out. Plus, if your parent’s didn’t catch you in the act of being impolite, they could always count on the older generations for back-up. And don’t even think about acting up in school. Unlike today with the teachers being “afraid” of most of the students, corporal punishment with a “strap” was very much enforced when necessary.

That was then and this is now…

How many times have you gone to a mall or restaurant only to have someone’s child raising the roof with their carrying on? “Back-in-the-day” this was reason enough for my mother to march me out of the store (none too quietly) and deposit me back in the car with my father. Today when a child misbehaves it’s called, “precocious” or “expressing themselves.”


Bonus Videos – from the Book’s Supplemental Pages:


Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Adoption

Children’s Book About Adoption: A Kids Picture Book About Adoption With Photos and Fun Facts

Adoption. Its an option some couples and single people may have mulled over if they are unable to conceive a child the good-ole-fashioned way. In fact, one-third of all Americans have considered an adoption, but only 2 percent of these people actually go through with it. The numbers are staggering, considering the amount of orphans in our own country and around the world.

Due to the outbreak of AIDS in Africa, there is around 15 million children who are surviving on their own, without the help of an adult. Some of these children are put into the sex trade, or adult jobs, while others remain on the streets.

All About Adoption

Amazon Free Book Promotion Program. As part of their Kindle Book Promotion programs Amazon allows the publishers of Kindle books to have free promotions periodically directly through Amazon’s store. This promotion is facilitated by Amazon and neither Amazon, the book author, nor the book publisher get sales revenue from these promotions. The Publisher and Author hope to generate reviews and discussions about books via this promotion system. See Direct Publishing and Free Book Promotions on for more details. We have access to the promotions from Twilight Publishing ( and the Authors at the Children’s book site: […]

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Pregnancy

Children’s Book About Pregnancy: A Kids Picture Book About Pregnancy With Photos and Fun Facts

Children's Book About PreganancyThese two little words can be the most glorious or the most troubling, but either way, your life will never be the same again. Between the morning sickness, the added accumulation of stuff all made for the new addition, or the growing tummy, women are suppose to be glowing and happy. But what about the other things we shove aside because we are suppose to be glowing and happy? Like the hemorrhoids, late-night cravings, swollen ankles and the flatulence? Sure this is all a part of motherhood, but I have to wonder what the world would be like if men had to do the childbearing?

For any women that has ever had a man in her life, we know full well the implications of this little “fantasy.”

First the violent and predictable morning sickness would put most men in bed for the entire day, where we women are suppose to walk it off and be happy to know we have a little life growing inside of us. However, for some men this would probably just be a bragging right to talk about with the boys, with the vomit’s color, consistency and how far it shot out of his nose or mouth all thrown in for an added bonus.

Bonus Videos […]



Children’s Book About Stealing: A Kids Picture Book About Stealing with Photos and Fun Facts

Stealing is becoming more and more “popular.” As the economy takes a downturn, more people are resorting to just taking what they want. Yes, sometimes it can be drug related or petty crimes where a vehicle or house is broken into, but that doesn’t make it any less scary for the victims or wrong for the culprit to be doing.

So we have to ask ourselves, why do people steal? As I mentioned before, people steal to support a drug habit, but what about “normal” people or even children? Some may say it all has to do with upbringing and for the most part, that is true. However, there are other underlying reasons why kids and teens feel the need to take stuff that doesn’t belong to them.

Usually children under the age of four don’t understand the idea of stealing – they see what they want and take it. If your child does this in a store or at a friend’s house, it is the perfect opportunity to talk about the importance of not stealing. Once your child has reached five or six, this concept becomes easier to grasp and they shouldn’t still be pocketing stuff that doesn’t belong to them.

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