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Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: New York City

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: New York City

Children’s Book About New York: A Kids Picture Book About New York With Photos and Fun Facts

The hustle and bustle of New York not only appeals to its 8 million plus residents, but it is a vacationer’s paradise. There is so much to do and see, you could spend weeks just discovering it all. However, since most vacationers don’t have that much time, we have searched out some of the top sites you can visit while you are there. So buckle up, this is going to be quite the adventure.

The first place to visit is an obvious choice. The Statue of Liberty on Ellis Island is one of the world’s most recognized statues. She stands for freedom for many people seeking a better life in the great US-of-A.

To visit Lady Liberty you have to take a short ferry ride over to the island, although she is clearly visible from land, as well. Not only will you get to see this monument, there is also the Ellis Island Immigration Museum. Although closed for the rest of 2013, when the museum reopens you will be able to see where around 12 million immigrants landed, as well as search through the ship manifests for passenger names.



Children’s Book About Police: A Kids Picture Book About Police With Photos and Fun Facts

They seem to be always there when you are a tad over the speeding limit or have ran a red light. Sometimes, they even follow you home to let you know your tail lights are out. We are told to look for one when we are in trouble…and figure out to avoid them when we are in trouble. But either way, these dedicated individuals put their very lives on the line every time they put on their uniforms and walk out the front door.

Police have a dual personality. They can be seen as our rescuers or the “bad guy” watching our every move. However, police are now starting to take their reputation for being the good guy seriously. A program has been started up that allows police to give out tickets – not just for illegal endeavors – but for good behavior.

Bonus Videos – from the Book’s Supplemental Pages:

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: San Francisco

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: San Francisco

Children’s Book About San Francisco: A Kids Picture Book About San Francisco With Photos and Fun Facts

When you really get down and research all San Francisco has to offer, you will want to run to the airplane to start your adventure. San Fran has so many spectacular views, attractions and must-visit places, you will want to book yourself plenty of time to see it all. Let’s check out some of the famous places you have to put on your list.

Of course, the most talked about and must-see attraction in San Fran has got to be their famous bridge. The Golden Gate Bridge has appeared in many movies and books. It is not the oldest or longest suspension bridge, but the views from up there are amazing. You can see these views for yourself by taking a walking tour or even bike across this beauty. But bring a jacket as it can get pretty nippy that high up.

Another famous and must-see attraction is Alcatraz Island. Home to one of the most infamous prisons ever, this site is located in the middle of San Francisco Bay. Alcatraz has also had many books and movies centered around it, as it is famous for housing some of the worst criminals. Although it no […]



Children’s Book About Indoor Activities: A Kids Picture Book About Indoor Activities With Photos and Fun Facts

It’s nice to get the kids outdoors, but sometimes this isn’t always possible. But no worries as there are plenty of indoor activities kids can engage in that doesn’t require a remote, or a game controller.

When amusing kids indoors, it is often times easier to let the television or computer do the work; however, kids need some variety and a way to have fun outside of the technology. If your children are younger, let them set up an indoor campground. Couch cushions, a large sheet or blanket and the sofa itself can become a cozy tent. Add in a flashlight, some camp snacks and your kids can entertain themselves for hours. For added fun, do some microwave S’mores.

Girls love to have dress-up parties, so invite a playmate over and let them go nuts in your closet and costume jewelry. After they have put together their outfits, then offer to do some light makeup on their eyes and lips. The girls will have a blast, especially if you give them a reason to dress up for – do I hear a tea party brewing? Serve them tea or another beverage in fancy cups with some biscuits. […]

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Elephants

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Elephants

Children’s Book About Elephants: A Kid’s Picture Book About Elephants With Photos and Fun Facts

Elephants are found in places like Africa, Asia and India. In the wild these majestic beasts build lasting and loving relationships among the herd’s members. They do not balance on balls, podiums or wear costumes. For our mere hour or two of entertainment these animals have spent years in abuse, punishment, solitary confinement, loneliness and fear.

In order for an elephant to be “trained” to perform, they start when they are infants. These babies are viciously and cruelly snatched away from their mothers and begin their journey through a hellish lifetime of inhumane treatment.

Bonus Video – from the Book’s Supplemental Pages:

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Elephants

Amazon Free Book Promotion Program. As part of their […]

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