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Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Octopus

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Octopus

Children’s Book About Octopus: A Kids Picture Book Octopus with Photos and Fun Facts

There is around 300 different species of the octopus. They live in all the warm ocean waters around the world. They have round bulbous heads, eight arms, bulgy eyes and a hard beak at the center point of their body. The closest relation to the octopus is the squid. Strangely enough the octopus is considered the “monster of the deep.” Perhaps because of its scary portrayal on television and movies; however, the octopus spends most of its time living a solitary life along the bottom of the ocean.

All octopus are venomous, but only the Blue-Ringed group are deadly to humans. The octopus is also highly intelligent. Studies show that the octopus has both short and long-term memory capabilities.

Bonus Video – from the Book’s Supplemental Pages:

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Children’s Book About Rays: A Kids Picture Book About Rays with Photos and Fun Facts

Rays or Stingrays, as you may know them as, are found all over the world. They live in oceans and rivers, fresh and saltwater. These giant fish have struck fear into swimmers and waders alike. Let’s take an adventure into the world of the ray to see what fascinating facts we can dig up.

The ray comes in 60 species and is a cousin to the shark, not because they are vicious but because they have no bones. Like the shark the ray is made up of pure cartledge – feel your nose, that’s like a ray’s body. Stingrays look like a flying saucer with broad flat fins that run along the entire length of their body. The fins on the ray are designed to propel it through the water, either by using their entire body or by flapping them in a flying-type motion.

These fish are not by any means small. They can grow up to 6.5 feet long (2 meters) long and weigh up to 790 pounds (358 kilograms). The stingray also has a long tail that is designed for defense and is where it got its name from. Depending on the species, this tail can have spines running down it coming to a point with razor-sharp serrations or notches. In addition to this […]



Children’s Book About Chickens: A Kids Picture Book About Chickens with Photos and Fun Facts

Guess what? Chicken Butt!

Now that I have your attention, let’s talk chicken. How much do we really know about the chicken? You may be thinking…”I know I like it fried or barbecued.” That’s not quite what I had in mind. Did you know the mother chicken turns her eggs 50 times a day so the yolk doesn’t stick to the shell? Let’s take a journey into the world of chickens to see what other fascinating facts we can learn about this bird.

There is more than 150 varieties of the chicken (no not on the menu) and are found all over the world. They are the most common bird on the planet today as their numbers exceed 24 billion – that makes more of them than us!
The first domesticated chicken was not used for food purposes but rather for the harsh and cruel “sport” of cockfighting. This dates back to India where two male birds were forced into a small ring to fight one another. These were usually to the death or until one was so bleeding and blundered it was taken out of the ring. This type of activity was first done in Asia, Africa, and Europe; however, it still goes on today; illegal as […]


Children’s Book About Koalas: A Kids Picture Book About Koalas with Photos and Fun Facts

Koala’s are one of the cutest and most recognized animals around. It is native to Australia, and believe it or not, it’s not technically a bear, it’s a marsupial. The Koala’s name was given to it by not only the aboriginals of Australia, but also by the first settlers. In native Australian, “koala” means “no drink.” However, once the settlers got a look at this fluffy animal they thought it was a bear – therefore koala bear it was named.

The koala lives most of its life in its “home trees” which consists of a group of eucalyptus trees. This is not only a place to sleep, live and tend to their young, but their main source of food. The koala’s territorial trees may overlap other koalas, but by nature this animal is not a social creature. The koala will scent mark its own trees and visit them on a regular basis.

This marsupial is not a big animal. It measures about 34 inches long (85 centimeters) and can weigh anywhere from 8.8 to 33 pounds (4 to 15 kilograms). It has thick grey and white fur or brown and white fur (depending on its location), a large smooth nose and huge fluffy ears. Despite the koala’s large head, it has a relatively small brain. This is due to the fact that […]

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Robots

Children’s Book About Robots: A Kids Picture Book About Robots with Photos and Fun Facts

When the first Star Wars movie hit the theaters in 1977 the futuristic robots portrayed as C3P0 and R2-D2 were mind-blowing to watch. These robots could not only walk and talk, they could think for themselves. Moviegoers ate this up, turning the Star Wars franchise into a multi-billion dollar industry. But we knew these “beings” were only make-believe. Or are they? Let’s take a look into some of the more common “robots” that are making our lives easier.


Bonus Video – from the Book’s Supplemental Pages:


Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Robots

Amazon Free Book Promotion Program. As part of their Kindle Book Promotion programs Amazon allows the publishers of Kindle books to have free promotions periodically directly through Amazon’s store. This promotion is facilitated by Amazon and neither Amazon, the book author, nor the book publisher get sales revenue from these promotions. The Publisher and Author hope to generate reviews and discussions about books via this promotion system. See Direct Publishing and Free Book Promotions on for more details. We have access to the promotions from Twilight Publishing ( and the Authors at the Children’s book site: A Reading Place and […]

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