Children’s Book About Motorcycles: A Kids Picture Book About Motorcycles With Photos and Fun Facts

Like cars, the motorcycle has gained notability over the years and has now become one of our favorite and economically sound ways to get around. However, the first motorcycle was far from our modern ones. Let’s take a look back in history to see where it all began.

The journey of the motorcycle can be traced back to the second half of the 19th century to an improvement made to the safety bicycle. These bicycles had both the front and back wheels of equal size and also incorporated a pedal crank mechanism to the back wheel.

It is not for certain who first invented the motorcycle. Around the time there were many engineers working on the concept; however, it was a blacksmith in Paris named, Pierre Michaux (Michaux and company) who made the first bicycle with pedals called the velocipede. Michaux’s son, Ernest, later went on to add a steam-powered engine to this bicycle in 1867. This was the first step towards our modern-day motorbikes.

Bonus Video – from the Book’s Supplemental Pages:

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