Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Whales
Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Whales
Children’s Book About Whales: A Kids Picture Book About Whales with Photos and Fun Facts
The whale’s body is extremely streamline, regardless of its size or species and are well-adapted to living in the ocean waters. Whales also have very powerful tails and use them for not only swimming, but also for breaching, spyhopping, lobtailing and logging.
Breaching is when a whale jumps out of the water and returns with a huge splash. Spyhopping is when a whale peeks its head up and looks around. Lobtailing involves the whale slamming its tail down on the surface of the water and logging is when the whale is quietly floating just under the surface.
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Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Whales
Amazon Free Book Promotion Program. As part of their Kindle Book Promotion […]
Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: San Francisco
Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: San Francisco
Children’s Book About San Francisco: A Kids Picture Book About San Francisco With Photos and Fun Facts
When you really get down and research all San Francisco has to offer, you will want to run to the airplane to start your adventure. San Fran has so many spectacular views, attractions and must-visit places, you will want to book yourself plenty of time to see it all. Let’s check out some of the famous places you have to put on your list.
Of course, the most talked about and must-see attraction in San Fran has got to be their famous bridge. The Golden Gate Bridge has appeared in many movies and books. It is not the oldest or longest suspension bridge, but the views from up there are amazing. You can see these views for yourself by taking a walking tour or even bike across this beauty. But bring a jacket as it can get pretty nippy that high up.
Another famous and must-see attraction is Alcatraz Island. Home to one of the most infamous prisons ever, this site is located in the middle of San Francisco Bay. Alcatraz has also had many books and movies centered around it, as it is famous for housing some of the worst criminals. Although it no […]
Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Bees
Children’s Book About Bees: A Kids Picture Book About Bees with Photos and Fun Facts
You may be terrified of them, but bees do play a very important role in earth’s ecosystem and in our very lives. Children’s Book About Bees Other than makig us run away when we see one buzzing around our heads, bees also pollinate a third of all of the fruit and vegetable crops we depend on everyday for healthy living.
However, in the last few years bees have been dying off in what is known as the, Colony Collapse Disorder, which has beekeepers and environmentalists worried.
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Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Bees
Amazon Free Book Promotion Program. As part of their Kindle Book Promotion programs Amazon allows the publishers of Kindle books to have free promotions periodically directly through Amazon’s store. This promotion is facilitated by Amazon and neither Amazon, the book author, nor the book […]
Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Horses
Children’s Book About Horses: A Kids Picture Book About Horses with Photos and Fun Facts

The horse has been a huge help and a wonderful addition to the lives of man. It was there before the invention of tractors, fire trucks and other vehicles that needed some “horsepower,” and have even raced each other around a track to provide us with entertainment. Plus, where would the cowboys of yesteryear and today be without this helpful companion? Let’s venture into all things horse. You may just be amazed at what you learn.
Bonus Video – from the Book’s Supplemental Pages:
Amazon Free Book Promotion Program. As part of their Kindle Book Promotion programs Amazon allows the publishers of Kindle books to have free promotions periodically directly through Amazon’s store. This promotion is facilitated by Amazon and neither Amazon, the book author, nor the book publisher get sales revenue from these promotions. The Publisher and Author hope to generate reviews and discussions about books via this promotion system. See Direct Publishing and Free Book Promotions on for more details. We have access to the promotions from Twilight Publishing ( and the Authors at the Children’s book site: A Reading Place and offer these dates with their permission. To get […]