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Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Cars

Where would we be without our cars? We depend on them to take us to work, school and on those famous road trips. They may be rusty and falling apart or brilliant, shiny and new, but regardless of their looks we love them. I bet we can all remember our very first one. It may not have been the safest or the prettiest, but is shouted independance and we couldn’t wait to indulge in the freedom it brought us.

Cars have come a long way from the first model inventors made in the 1770’s. These vehicles were loud, smelly and most people didn’t trust them or even think it was a good idea. Coming from an era where most people had horses, the car would have been quite the change.

The first cars were powered by steam. This was done by having a fuel burning to heat water in a boiler. Once the water boiled it would make steam which expanded and pushed the pistons in the car. The pistons would then move the crankshaft which propelled the car. Even though it took 15 to 20 minutes for the car to heat up enough to make steam, these inventions were considered breakthrough technology. Even though some of these cars worked and some didn’t, inventors kept trying and by the 1890’s the steam-powered car was perfected and people began […]

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Texas

Children’s Book About Texas: A Kids Picture Book About Texas With Photos and Fun Facts

They say everything’s bigger in Texas and that includes the state itself. Texas covers 268,601 square miles of rugged land. This makes it the second largest state in the US (Alaska is number one). In fact, if Texas were a country it would fall into the 40th largest. Plus, Texas is bigger than every country in Europe and many nations – now that is big!

For a long time Texas was not known by this name. It was actually called; Coahuila y Tejas. This large portion of land was once a province of Mexico and still shares her border today.

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Amazon Free Book Promotion Program. As part of their Kindle Book Promotion programs Amazon allows the publishers of Kindle books to have free promotions periodically directly through Amazon’s store. This promotion is facilitated by Amazon and neither Amazon, the book author, nor the book publisher get sales revenue from these promotions. The Publisher and Author hope to generate reviews and discussions about books via this promotion system. See Direct Publishing and Free Book Promotions on for more details. We have access to the promotions from Twilight Publishing ( and the Authors at the Children’s book site: A Reading Place and offer these dates with their permission. To get your book, you simply go to the Amazon sales page for the […]

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Bees

Children’s Book About Bees: A Kids Picture Book About Bees with Photos and Fun Facts

You may be terrified of them, but bees do play a very important role in earth’s ecosystem and in our very lives. Children’s Book About Bees Other than makig us run away when we see one buzzing around our heads, bees also pollinate a third of all of the fruit and vegetable crops we depend on everyday for healthy living.

However, in the last few years bees have been dying off in what is known as the, Colony Collapse Disorder, which has beekeepers and environmentalists worried.

Bonus Video – from the Book’s Supplemental Pages:

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Bees

Amazon Free Book Promotion Program. As part of their Kindle Book Promotion programs Amazon allows the publishers of Kindle books to have free promotions periodically directly through Amazon’s store. This promotion is facilitated by Amazon and neither Amazon, the book author, nor the book […]

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Presidents

Children’s Book About Presidents: A Kids Picture Book About Presidents With Photos and Fun Facts

After the president gets elected we tend to know everything he does in the terms of policy, but what about before they became head of the state? Sure, we are made aware if they had any successful awards or accomplishments – like this eases the blow if he wasn’t your first choice?

But do really know anything truly interesting about our past presidents? Let’s take trip back in time to uncover some weird facts about the men who ran our country.

Honest Abe won the hearts and devotion of the people, but this may be because he was just an ordinary Joe. He was the only president who was a licensed bartender. Plus, he even co-owned a bar.

Bonus Videos – from the Book’s Supplemental Pages:

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Presidents

All About Presidents

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Horses

Children’s Book About Horses: A Kids Picture Book About Horses with Photos and Fun Facts

The horse has been a huge help and a wonderful addition to the lives of man. It was there before the invention of tractors, fire trucks and other vehicles that needed some “horsepower,” and have even raced each other around a track to provide us with entertainment. Plus, where would the cowboys of yesteryear and today be without this helpful companion? Let’s venture into all things horse. You may just be amazed at what you learn.

Bonus Video – from the Book’s Supplemental Pages:

Amazon Free Book Promotion Program. As part of their Kindle Book Promotion programs Amazon allows the publishers of Kindle books to have free promotions periodically directly through Amazon’s store. This promotion is facilitated by Amazon and neither Amazon, the book author, nor the book publisher get sales revenue from these promotions. The Publisher and Author hope to generate reviews and discussions about books via this promotion system. See Direct Publishing and Free Book Promotions on for more details. We have access to the promotions from Twilight Publishing ( and the Authors at the Children’s book site: A Reading Place and offer these dates with their permission. To get […]

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