Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: The Ocean
Children’s Book About The Ocean: A Kids Picture Book About Cars and Trucks with Photos and Fun Facts

We have all probably heard the news about the droughts and lack of clean drinking water for many parts of the world. As sad as that is our planet is not without water, unfortunately it’s just not all drinkable. Let’s take a tour around the oceans of our planet They may be undrinkable, but they are still fascinating.
Seventy percent of earth is made up of water. In other words, if we were to take a cube and fill it with the ocean’s water it would be 621 square miles (1,000 kilometers). The largest ocean is the Pacific, covering around 30 percent of the earth’s surface, while the second largest is the Atlantic at 21 percent, the third is the Indian ocean at 14 percent, then the Arctic and Antarctic respectively. These oceans vary in temperature and are all connected due to the ocean’s currents which circulates the water throughout the world. It’s no surprise that 50 to 80 percent of all life on the planet can be found in the ocean. However, scientists have only explored about 5 percent of what lies within these bodies of water.
The oceans are not only a means of transportation for many large companies that use these waterways to import and export goods, the ocean is also called home by hundreds of thousands of species.
With all this water around, there is bound to be a very deep spot. The Mariana Trench is located east of the Mariana Islands in the western Pacific Ocean. This massive “hole” is the deepest spot measuring in at 36,000 feet down (11,000 meters) – imagine what is lurking in the depths of this trench. The average depth of the ocean is around 12,400 feet (3,779 meters). If we were able to swim to the bottom of the ocean we would experience tremendous pressure. In fact, it would be like trying to support 50 jumbo jets.
Bonus Videos – from the Book’s Supplemental Pages:
Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: The Ocean
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