Kids Library


Children’s Book About Seahorses: A Kids Picture Book About Seahorses with Photos and Fun Facts

One of the world’s undersea favorites is the seahorse. These peaceful fish spend their lives slowly swimming along looking for food and staying out of the way of predators. Check out some of these cool facts about the seahorse.

These little beings get their name from their horse-shaped head. They have a prehensile tail (like a monkey) that is used to grasp and anchor itself. It can be found in the tropical and temperate waters throughout the world, where they propel themselves along with their tiny dorsal fins in an upright position.

One of the truly remarkable things about the seahorse is in regards to its mate. Seahorses will find a mate and stay with them throughout their lives. The female is also not responsible for her young. She lays her eggs in the brood pouch of the male seahorse. He then fertilizes them and carries the young until they hatch. Once the young hatch they are left to survive on their own. To help guard against predators the young will group together, holding onto each others tails for support.

Out of the 47 recognized species of seahorse, the smallest is the Pygmy seahorse. This itty bitty guy measures about the size of a pea and is found in the reefs of Indonesia. The male still has a brood pouch but it […]



Children’s Book About Sharks: A Kids Picture Book About Sharks with Photos and Fun Facts

We have probably all seen the terrifying movie, Jaws, which left us debating whether we really wanted to enter into the waters for recreational fun. However, this flick was based more on horrific movie fun than real facts. Let’s check out the world of sharks to see if we can at least debunk the stalking man-eating trivia of Jaws.

There are 350 species of shark and they can range in size from small to humongous. They have lived in our oceans for around 350 million years. They have an acute sense of hearing and smell along with good eyesight. They use these senses to hunt their prey.

The shark is made up mostly of cartilage instead of bone. This makes it a powerful swimmer. And strangely enough their skin may look smooth, but it is actually so rough it can be used as sandpaper.

Bonus Music Video – from the Book’s Supplemental Pages:


Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Trains

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Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Trains

Children’s Book About Trains: A Kids Picture Book About Trains with Photos and Fun Facts

The invention of the train started in the 1800s by a few industrious men; James Watt, Oliver Evans, Matthew Murray, Richard Trevithick and George Stephenson. These creative geniuses put the train on track to what we have today.

The first type of train was the steam-powered locomotive. It was developed in Great Britain in the 19th century and was still used in the 20th century. After the end of World War II came the faster and more powerful diesel-fueled locomotive. These are still used today, but in combination with the cleaner more efficient electric engines.

Bonus Video – from the Book’s Supplemental Pages:

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Trains

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Frogs

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Frogs

Children’s Book About Frogs: A Kids Picture Book About Frogs with Photos and Fun Facts

What do we really know about frogs? They live in the water and if you kiss one it will turn into a handsome prince? This is partially true (I’ll let you guess which one is), but the life of a frog really is a marvel of nature. Take a moment now and explore some Frog-ology.
The life of a frog starts out as one of thousands of tiny gooey eggs. Some female frogs lay their eggs in the calm waters of a pond, while others lay their eggs high up in a tree extending over the water. Here the tadpole must fall into the water after it is born.

Once fertilized it takes about 6 to 21 days (depending on the species) to hatch a tadpole. Now you may remember as a child trying to catch these in a nearby pond or lake. They have a big head and a tail and can swim quite quickly.

After about 9 weeks the tadpole begins to sprout legs and the rest of the transformation happens fairly quickly. The front legs will come in and the tail will begin to shrink away. At this stage it is no longer […]

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Fire Trucks

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Fire Trucks

Children’s Book About Fire Trucks: A Kids Picture Book About Fire Trucks with Photos and Fun Facts

We may not give much thought to the fire truck, except to rest in the assurance that if a fire were to break out it would be there along with its dedicated crew. However, people didn’t always have this peace-of-mind.

Before the invention of the engine and later the vehicle, fires were put out by a bucket brigade. People would literally grab buckets of water and form a long line from the water source to the fire. The constant action of trying to douse the fire, was not only (most of the time) ineffective, but it was exhausting for those involved.

Once the water pump was invented they added wheels to it. This was developed in Britain in the 1700s and was the crudest form of our modern-day fire truck. This heavy and burdensome object was powered by either steam or hand-cranked. You can imagine how tiring this would have been for the firemen to drag or push it to a blazing fire. In fact, often times by the time the crew arrived the fire had either burnt out on its own, or the firefighters were too exhausted to help.

By 1865 people were getting inventive and decided a more practical way to get to a fire (and at least have a chance at extinguishing it) was to include the use of horses. These powerful animals could pull the heavy […]

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