Children’s Book About Seahorses: A Kids Picture Book About Seahorses with Photos and Fun Facts
One of the world’s undersea favorites is the seahorse. These peaceful fish spend their lives slowly swimming along looking for food and staying out of the way of predators. Check out some of these cool facts about the seahorse.
These little beings get their name from their horse-shaped head. They have a prehensile tail (like a monkey) that is used to grasp and anchor itself. It can be found in the tropical and temperate waters throughout the world, where they propel themselves along with their tiny dorsal fins in an upright position.
One of the truly remarkable things about the seahorse is in regards to its mate. Seahorses will find a mate and stay with them throughout their lives. The female is also not responsible for her young. She lays her eggs in the brood pouch of the male seahorse. He then fertilizes them and carries the young until they hatch. Once the young hatch they are left to survive on their own. To help guard against predators the young will group together, holding onto each others tails for support.
Out of the 47 recognized species of seahorse, the smallest is the Pygmy seahorse. This itty bitty guy measures about the size of a pea and is found in the reefs of Indonesia. The male still has a brood pouch but it […]