Kids Library


Children’s Book About Puppies: A Kids Picture Book About Puppies with Photos and Fun Facts

Who doesn’t like puppies with their constant wagging tails and wet noses? They can melt our hearts and bring so much joy to our lives. However, not all puppies are created equally. Depending on the breed, puppies can be really big or really small, flat-faced, or round-snouted. But they all still have one thing in common; their sole purpose on earth is to bring unconditional love and affection to their family.

You may remember getting your first puppy. It could have been as an adult – as the constant begging and pleading with mom and dad may not have worked – or is that just me? Puppies are a lot of work and it takes time to properly train them. Depending on how “smart” you want your adult dog to be depends on the training when it is still a puppy – an untrained dog will still have accidents in the house if you failed to properly house break it.

Puppies need constant positive reinforcement to learn and respond in a positive and obeying fashion. Never smack a puppy or rub its nose in its own urine/feces. This old adage is wrong and will only lead to resentment, fear and frustration from your new member of the family. Remember, there are no bad dogs, just owners who fail to read up on their particular […]


Children’s Book About Monkeys: A Kids Picture Book About Monkeys with Photos and Fun Facts

Before we get into the world of monkeys, the first thing you have to know is they are not apes. People tend is just clump the monkey and ape together, but there are many distinctions between the two. The easiest way to remember the difference is, a monkey has a tail and an ape does not. So a Capuchin is an example of a monkey, whereas a chimpanzee is an ape.

There is around 260 species of monkey on the planet. They are divided into two specific categories; Old World and New World. The old world monkeys live in Africa and Asia. They tend to have turned down noses and their nostrils are closer together. They also have nails on their hands and feet like we do. The new world monkeys live in Central and South America and parts of Mexico. These monkeys have the prehensile tail that helps them grasp and is perfect for climbing trees. Good thing as they spend most of their lives in them.

Bonus Videos – from the Book’s Supplemental Pages:

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Ladybugs

Children’s Book About Ladybugs: A Kids Picture Book About Ladybugs with Photos and Fun Facts

The ladybug may be considered nice looking by us, but that bright color is a reminder to its predators that it tastes awful. However, just to be sure this little bug doesn’t stop there. When it feels threatened it secretes a foul tasting liquid from the joints in its legs. So even if a bird tries to eat the ladybug it will soon learn its lesson.

The ladybug preys on plant-eating insects like aphids and are considered a welcome guest on any farmer’s crop where these tiny pests lurk. The female ladybug will also seek out areas where the aphids are abundant to lay her eggs.

Bonus Video – from the Book’s Supplemental Pages:

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Ladybugs

Amazon Free Book Promotion Program. As part of their Kindle […]

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Planet-Earth

Children’s Book About Planet Earth: A Kids Picture Book About Planet Earth with Photos and Fun Facts

Product DetailsPlanet Earth. It’s the third planet from the sun. The place called home by every living species and where we keep our stuff. It’s perfectly designed with gravity, oxygen, water and everything it needs to sustain life. Let’s take a trip around the earth to discover what she’s all about.
Out of all the planets discovered we are the only one that can sustain life. Our atmosphere contains 21 percent oxygen and it is the only one with liquid water on its surface. Without these we would just be another rock floating around the sun. Earth is also the only inner planet to have one large moon. And as you probably know, the moon is paramount in the pull of our tides and also gives us the minute lengthening (or shortening) in each of our days.
The earth is 7,928 miles (12,760 kilometers) around the diameter or the equator. We are also situated 93 million miles (150 kilometers) from the sun. Although some of those hot summer days may feel like we are closer.

Bonus Videos – from the Book’s Supplemental Pages:


Children’s Book About Tigers: A Kids Picture Book About Tigers with Photos and Fun Facts

Product DetailsPanthera tigris, or in laymen’s terms, the tiger, is the biggest species of wild cat in the world. And their distinctive reddish-orange and white bodies with the black stripes, probably makes them one of the most recognizable.

There are five subspecies of the tiger; Bengal, South China, Indochina, Sumatran, and Siberian. Some of the species live in southeast Asia and India where it is very cold. Even though all tigers are now endangered, we have lost the Caspian, Bali, and Javan, completely.

The tiger’s population was once in the hundreds of thousands, but over the last 100 years, due to hunting and deforestation, the numbers of rapidly decline. The estimate is only around 2,500 of these animals left in their natural habitat. The tiger has also been hunted for their status as a trophy and for the many body parts that are considered medicinal in the Chinese culture.

Bonus Music Video – from the Book’s Supplemental Pages:


All About Tigers

Amazon Free Book Promotion Program. As part of their Kindle Book […]

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