Children’s Book About Puppies: A Kids Picture Book About Puppies with Photos and Fun Facts
Who doesn’t like puppies with their constant wagging tails and wet noses? They can melt our hearts and bring so much joy to our lives. However, not all puppies are created equally. Depending on the breed, puppies can be really big or really small, flat-faced, or round-snouted. But they all still have one thing in common; their sole purpose on earth is to bring unconditional love and affection to their family.
You may remember getting your first puppy. It could have been as an adult – as the constant begging and pleading with mom and dad may not have worked – or is that just me? Puppies are a lot of work and it takes time to properly train them. Depending on how “smart” you want your adult dog to be depends on the training when it is still a puppy – an untrained dog will still have accidents in the house if you failed to properly house break it.
Puppies need constant positive reinforcement to learn and respond in a positive and obeying fashion. Never smack a puppy or rub its nose in its own urine/feces. This old adage is wrong and will only lead to resentment, fear and frustration from your new member of the family. Remember, there are no bad dogs, just owners who fail to read up on their particular […]