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Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Whales

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Whales

Children’s Book About Whales: A Kids Picture Book About Whales with Photos and Fun Facts

The whale’s body is extremely streamline, regardless of its size or species and are well-adapted to living in the ocean waters. Whales also have very powerful tails and use them for not only swimming, but also for breaching, spyhopping, lobtailing and logging.

Breaching is when a whale jumps out of the water and returns with a huge splash. Spyhopping is when a whale peeks its head up and looks around. Lobtailing involves the whale slamming its tail down on the surface of the water and logging is when the whale is quietly floating just under the surface.

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Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Whales

Amazon Free Book Promotion Program. As part of their Kindle Book Promotion […]

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Body

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Body

Children’s Book About Body: A Kids Picture Book About Body With Photos and Fun Facts

Our bodies are designed for hearing, speaking, movement and reproduction. We can see, think, reason, create, feel pain and pleasure. We really are a wonder of nature and I doubt if we ever really stop and take the time to think about the complexity of it all.

Each part of our body has its own specific purpose – eyes see, ears hear – and when it is all working at its optimal level, life is good. People come in different packages but on the inside we are all the same. Let’s take a look at what is going on in our bodies.
The heart is…well, the heart of our body. Without the beating functions of this organ we could not survive. The human heart is only about the size of your fist and has a meat-like appearance. It is found nestled and protected in the middle of the chest between the lungs. It is also divided up into four chambers; left atrium, right atrium, left ventricle and right ventricle.

Since the heart is considered a muscle it works hard during our lifetime. It pumps blood throughout our system and generally beats about 100,000 times a day […]

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Rocks

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Rocks

Children’s Book About Rocks: A Kids Picture Book About Rocks With Photos and Fun Facts

Everywhere you look you are bound to see a rock of some kind. We use them in buildings, counters, houses and play with them on the beaches, lakes and ponds. But do we really know anymore than that? Sure we know the earth is basically just one big boulder orbiting around the sun, in line with other big boulders, but there is still so much more to them than meets the eye. Let’s get busy and talk rock.
As you probably already know, the earth’s crust is made up of over 50 percent rock. In turn these rocks are made up of minerals. In fact, there are 3,000 known minerals on our planet today. Minerals are also made up of elements and we have 92 different ones that can be combined to make a mineral.

Not all minerals are a combo, silver is a pure element, but granite has quartz, feldspar and mica that take form to create this amazing rock. In addition, minerals are arranged in repeating patterns that can produce a crystal – a lot of stuff goes into the making of a simple rock.
Rocks are categorized in three areas; igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. But they don’t […]

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Magic

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Magic

Children’s Book About Magic: A Kids Picture Book About Magic With Photos and Fun Facts

The most famous magician in history has got to be Harry Houdini. This magic-genius started practicing the art of illusion when he was only nine years-old. His very first trick was his ability to pick up pins with his eyelashes while hanging upside down.

Houdini was hooked on magic and practiced on the trapeze and also worked for free as a locksmith. Once Harry had these skills down he began to build his act. Houdini escaped from many death-traps of his own making, he could hold his breath for three minutes, used both his right and left hands and could untie knots with his feet. He once even escaped from the belly of a whale!

Bonus Videos – from the Book’s Supplemental Pages:

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Magic

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Doctors

Free Amazon Kindle Children’s Book: Doctors

Children’s Book About Doctors: A Kids Picture Book About Doctors With Photos and Fun Facts

Bugs Bunny said those infamous words in jest, but they become all too real when we are having health issues. Doctors are highly trained to do their jobs of diagnosing, educating and medicating (if needed) and are highly paid to do so.

However, most doctors are special people that have taken an oath to improve and save lives, but some go above and beyond the call of duty. We’ve probably all read articles or have seen doctors sit with a dying child or bring extra comfort and care to a particular patient.

Pediatricians that make their life’s work dealing with children, must have an extra big heart. To see a child sick, or worse yet, a dying one when they have tried all the medical techniques they have available to them, must be very frustrating and also a painful experience.

The waiting rooms are packed full of patients all the time, and it is frustrating to be waiting for hours to see the doctor, but considering each time these dedicated men and women see another person, they are dealing with that person’s very life – I would hope he or she would take some time with me if I were seriously ill, as well.

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